Add Privacy, Color, And Texture To Your Property By Creating A Border With Nursery Plants

Add privacy, color, and texture to your property by creating a decorative border along the side of your yard that is adjacent to the road by completing the project below. 


  • rake
  • garden tiller
  • large shovel
  • measuring tape
  • garden stakes
  • nursery plants (varieties that will grow to be tall)
  • soil
  • water hose
  • mulch
  • decorative rocks or paving blocks

Remove Large Pieces Of Debris, Clear And Mark The Land

Rake the side of the yard that is adjacent to the road in order to collect large pieces of debris. If sod is covering the ground, loosen it by pushing a tiller over it in straight lines. Use a large shovel to remove the sod from the ground. Use a flexible measuring tape and mark the area that you would like to add the border to with wooden garden stakes. Purchase enough nursery plants to create a row inside of the desired location. Consider plants that will be tall enough to provide you with the privacy that you desire once they have matured.

Place Nursery Plants In Holes And Add Mulch

Dig holes across the cleared land that are wide and deep enough to comfortably hold the roots to each nursery plant. Place one plant's root system inside of each hole. Fill in the holes with soil from the ground or a bag of soil that was purchased from a retailer. Pat down the soil that is located at the surface with the back of a shovel.

Water each plant according to what the plant varieties require. Add a thin layer of mulch around each plant to help the soil retain moisture. Use a variety of mulch that is a color that contrasts with the color of the plants in order to draw attention to the new border.

Add Decorative Stones Or Paving Blocks

In order to contain the soil that surrounds the plants, install a row of decorative stones or paving blocks. Create a pattern with different stone types or pavers and place them next to each other on the section of the ground that you would like to cover. Press down on the stones or paving blocks to help stabilize them. Care for the newly installed border of plants by watering and pruning them as needed. With the proper care, the plants will mature in a healthy manner and provide your yard with beauty and plenty of privacy.

Contact a company like Bob Williams Nursery Inc. for more ideas about what to plant in your yard.

About Me

Planting Your First, Vegetable Garden

Growing up, some of my favorite foods were grown in the backyard of my grandparents’ home. During the summer months, I absolutely adored eating fresh peas, lima beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, okra, and green beans from my grandparents’ garden. From an early age, I knew I wanted to plant a garden at my future home one day. Are you excited about planting your first vegetable garden? To make your attempt at gardening successful, you’ll need to shop for the right supplies. For example, you may want to buy things such as a hoe, a vegetable trellis, raised garden beds, and a wall planter. On this blog, I hope you will discover the most important items needed in order to plant a small vegetable garden. Enjoy!